The conservation and consolidation intervention of the Campo Maior bulwark fort (South-West section), built in the 17th and 18th centuries, was a major undertaking on a structure of significant heritage importance, but in an irregular state of conservation. Therefore, a multidisciplinary intervention plan was devised, focusing on structural stabilization to prevent the anomalies from progressing, along with materials from the landslides being reused in situ. An exhaustive visual and photographic survey was conducted in order to characterize structurally the conservation status of different areas. This enabled the identification of predominant construction solutions and systematizing different levels of intervention, ranging from superficial repairs to earthworks and reconstruction of the wall scarps. The work also included the rehabilitation of the Chapel of São Sebastião, the gunpowder house and several gun emplacements.
Campo Maior
Câmara Municipal de Campo Maior
VMSA Arquitetos
20 000 sqm
Prémio Arquitetura no Alentejo 2023, promovido pela Ordem dos Arquitectos – Secção Regional do Alentejo (OASRALT)