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Carlos Relvas Studio-House

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The intervention in the Carlos Relvas Studio-House in Golegã was unique once it involved reversing the transformation of the Photography Studio into a partially residential building. The decision was based on valuing the building’s original function, its uniqueness in the national and European context, and the perception that the changes made by the photographer preserved … Continued

Passos Manuel High School

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Dating back to the early 20th century, this was the first high school planned from scratch in line with the innovative concepts of modern Portuguese education system. The rehabilitation intervention of Passos Manuel High School involved structural reinforcement, and re-structuring of the existing building and outdoor spaces, the introduction of new facilities and their adaptability … Continued

Bank of Portugal Headquarters

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Located in Baixa Pombalina, Bank of Portugal Headquarters is the integration of a set of buildings that were acquired and adapted to the Bank’s needs, leading to successive interventions and the increasing structural weakness of the block. The intervention involved a seismic and structural retrofit project, where most of the existing structures were preserved, being … Continued

Alegria One (Avenida da Liberdade 81)

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Situated on one of the most important avenues in Lisbon, Alegria One is a building with a history that began in the mid-19th century. Initially constructed by Felix Nicolau Caleia, the building later became the property of the Keil family and the Ultramarina Company. In 2007, it was acquired by Eastbanc, marking the start of … Continued

Buildings on Avenida Duque de Loulé no. 86, 90 and 94

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Sottomyor Residences consist of a set of 3 Parisian-influenced buildings dating back to 1904 and one new building. The 3 existing buildings, structurally of the “gaioleiro” type, underwent a previous intervention that was interrupted in 2012, causing severe weaknesses in the structures of the buildings, resulting in the collapse of several structural elements. The advanced … Continued