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Distinction of Research Works

February, 2024

We are delighted to share the distinction awarded to Beatriz Tavares Silva and David Martins for their research work at DECivil Técnico, by the Portuguese Association of Experimental Stress Analysis (APAET).
Congratulations on your achievements!

  Distinction of Research Works


Conversation Series: Construction and History of the City of Lisbon

Conversation Series: Construction and History of the City of Lisbon

March, 2024

Last Thursday marked the beginning of a series of talks on the construction and history of the c...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

December, 2023

A2P wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a New Year 2024 filled with new projects and achieveme...

Lessons from Professor João Appleton

Lessons from Professor João Appleton

November, 2022

A2P had the opportunity to participate in "Lessons from Professor João Appleton" as part of the ...

4th PTBIM Congress

4th PTBIM Congress

May, 2022

A2P Studies and Projects was present at the 4th PTBIM Congress held from May 4th to 6th in the c...
