The structural design project involves the construction of two support buildings (the Bar Building and the Multipurpose Building) and the remaining structures in the exterior arrangements, as part of Cruz do Montalvão Urban Park Project in Castelo Branco. The buildings have a multidirectional volumetry using existing directions in the surroundings that the beholder, on site, realises in the layout of the paths, in the application of different materials and also in their stereotomy. Both support buildings are made up of reinforced concrete structures, with spans of 23.0m and 14.0m in order to prioritize the connection between the spaces on each side of the buildings and the movements of crossing or entering and exiting the building, confirming its great permeability due to the openness of the spans.
Castelo Branco
Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco
Arq. Gonçalo Próspero
Duafar - Construção Civil e Obras Públicas, Lda.
210 000 sqm
2nd International City'Scape Award 2023 - Landscape as Strategy, Milan, Italy; National Architecture Award "ESPAÇO" in the category of Public Space